

Size of dumbbell cutter 哑铃裁刀    电话0514-86277924
1,3 x 100 plastic film, pipe dumbbell cutter
2,4 x 75 rubber, cable dumbbell cutter [2# type] 哑铃裁刀
3,4 x 50 rubber, cable dumbbell cutter [3# type]
4,2 x 35 rubber dumbbell cutter [4# type]
5,6 x 115 rubber, plastic dumbbell cutter [1# type]
6,10 x 120 plastic film dumbbell cutter
7,10 x 150 plastic film dumbbell cutter
8,13 * 152 porous material dumbbell cutter
9.Plastic tearing cutter
10, plastic steel door and window double V notch impact cutter
11, tearing knife [customerchoice with cut] mouthparts
12, and type cutter with customer demand [cut].
Special cutting knives can be customized by drawing

 江都轩宇试验机械厂 版权所有 电 话:0514-86277924 手 机:15371292889 传 真:0514-86277924
地 址:江苏省江都市真武工业园 邮 编:225265